History of Stopit and Mineral Extraction in Haddiscoe

There have been 3 Gravel extractions already in Haddisoce:

  1. The field adjacent to Wiggs Road Haddiscoe.
  2. The land adjacent to the Haddiscoe Village Hall (now a fishing lake and an abandoned undeveloped site)
  3. The Pit off Thorpe Road near the Loke, which is now a community amenity, mostly used by dog walkers and owned by the community.

The threat of a further gravel pit in the land off Crab Apple lane (i.e. the fourth in Haddiscoe) was muted as early as 2008.  The original Stopit association was formed to oppose this application.  After a number of years of opposition and having raised funds from the villagers of in excess of £20k, the application went to the Secretary of State in 2014 and was rejected on the following grounds:

  • Harm to the setting of Grade 1 listed buildings
  • Negative factors arising from increased noise, dust and traffic.

The original Stopit association was disbanded in 2014 following the successful quashing of this application. 

Stopit 2 was formed on the 31st October 2022 to oppose the amended Crab Apple Lane development, which was presented to the village by the developer Breedon Plc on the 16th June 2022 and was one of the named sites in the draft Norfolk County Council (NCC) Minerals and Waste Local Plan which was published on the 19th September 2022.  A full planning application was published by NCC on the 19th December 2022 with comments to be submitted by the 19th January 2022.

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